
Welcome to the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, an unorganized mission of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin.

We believe that Christ’s love embraces all people. We are therefore an open and affirming congregation. We welcome children of all ages, families of all kinds, people of every generation and a wide variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and beliefs.  We have a commitment to helping everyone grow in their knowledge of God, a hunger for justice and peace in the world, and a heritage deeply rooted in our traditions of worship, scripture, and prayer.

Our worship service is at 3:30 Sunday afternoon. We have a Eucharist on the third Sunday of the month, and meet for Evening Prayer on other Sundays. We worship at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 1455 E. Yosemite Ave., Merced.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at info@resurrectionepiscopalmerced.org

Read our weekly lectionary reflections here.